Березень 2024

Великобританія, Лондон. International Women’s Day із заходом від the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, ICB спільно з ICB Global & ICFM Global.

Представники Lady’s ICB & ICFM зі своїми надихаючими та мотивуючими історіями, які поділилися своїм досвідом на віртуальному заході IWD24, що відбувся 8 березня 2024 року в Лондоні.

Захід на віртуальній онлайн-платформі, який зібрав 1500 учасників з різних країн світу, де говорили про наступне:

• Як нетворкінг впливає на життя, суспільство та професію.

• Фінансова грамотність у країнах з обговоренням та порадами щодо важливості професії бухгалтера, постійного розвитку та руху, що таке фінансовий менеджмент, жіноче лідерство, як створити середовище для зростання та розвитку бізнесу.

• Причини вибору бухгалтерського обліку.
•Порівняння між країнами. лідерство Гендерна рівність та її вплив на оплату праці в професії. Як це вести бізнес у країнах-членах.

Пропонуємо вашій увазі уривок із відео, цікавої дискусії і розмови з прикладами в країнах – учасницях, на заході International Women’s Day with ICB спільно з ICFM Global & ICB Global.

3 Sessions – Panels: International Women on International Women’s Day Join Alina Siatkovskaia ICB Global Partnerships Manager in a panel discussion with Helen Khorikova – CEO and co-founder of ICFM & ICB UK in Ukraine, Nuriyya Novruzova – CEO and founder of ICFM & ICB UK in Azerbaijan, Chairman APFM and Tatyana Gish – CEO of ICB & ICFM Kazakhstan

International Women’s Day

🗓 Agenda 8th March

10:00am to 10:15am
Online Networking in virtual lounge


10:15am to 10:30am
Welcome by Ami Copeland, ICB CEO


10:30am to 11:00am
Inspiring inclusion to create the best team (and world)
Elona Mortimer-Zhika, CEO at IRIS Software Group will be joining ICB CEО Ami Copeland for an insightful interview where they will discuss leadership, diversity and the challenges facing women in the workplace.


11:15am to 12:00pm
Panel: Creating the right environment for all to thrive
Penelope Allard FICB PM.Dip and Nicola Payne MICB PM.Dip will form a panel to discuss how to build an inclusive team, and share tips and advice on how to create an environment to thrive.


12:00pm to 12:45pm
Panel: International Women on International Women’s Day
Join Alina Siatkovskaia ICB Global Partnerships Manager in a panel discussion with Helen Khorikova – CEO and co-founder of ICFM Ukraine, Nuriyya Novruzova – CEO and founder of ICFM Azerbaijan and Tatyana Gish – CEO of ICFM Kazakhstan.


12:45pm to 1:15pm
Lunch break and networking


1:15pm to 2:00pm
Unlocking potential and building confidence, ambition and employability skills with Women’s Work Lab
Camilla Rigby from Women’s Work Lab will sharing lessons learned from her organisation that supports getting Mums back into the workplace – and advising on how we can all play our part.


2:00pm to 2:30pm
Keynote from Rachel Kerrone, Director Brand and Marketing Starling Bank.


2:30pm to 3:00pm
How to become Mentally Fit in 6 weeks – thrive rather than survive with Maria Jeffers


3:00pm onwards
Online networking in virtual lounge

Video of all sessions – panels of the IWD 2024 virtual event

🔺 YouTube Channel here https://bit.ly/ICBIWD2024

International Women Day with ICB Global & ICFM Global.

Welcome to Global events by Global Partners ICB & ICFM:

🇦🇿Azerbaijan, Baku at the 8th Eurasian Forum of Accountants and Auditors, September 18-20 with ICB & ICFM in Azerbaijan, APFM Azerbaijan Professional Financial Management Associations;

🇬🇧UK, London at Global week annual Bookkeeping Summit & 15th Luca Awards, VIP business meeting in Parliament UK, will be held from November 10 to 16, 2024 with ICB Global & ICFM Global and partners.

Welcome to Ukraine


The Institute of Certified Financial Managers UK Ukraine ICFM & ICB team and
Members of the Board of Trustees.


Kind regards,
Helen Khorikova
Member ICB International Council, Companion ICB Global, CEO ICFM UK in Ukraine & ICB


Every Ukrainian takes steps and brings Ukraine closer to Victory.


Please do not ignore the air warning signals.


Try to be safe, take care of yourself and those around you, let’s restore our Ukraine together.


Together to Victory and Peace with the restoration of Ukraine.


We think globally, we act locally.
We do our business where we are – together.


Join us ❗️Welcome to events with International Network ICB Global and ICFM Global which is present in 168 countries of the world and Partners


Do it your way ❗️


Qualification Education UK Diploma Certificate Finance Management Business Ukraine London Economic Financier Manager Міжнародна Бізнес Освіта

♥️ KEEP CALM and HIRE a ICB & ICFM & All partners ICB Global.

ICB Global is registered in England under 05722167 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.
Founding Royal Patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO CD KStJ
ICB Global has registered in excess of 271,000 students and members across 168 countries. It hosts the annual Bookkeepers Summit which takes place each year in London. It also holds the prestigious annual LUCA Awards which recognises excellence in bookkeeping, accounting, audit and internal audit. Several ICFM Ukraine nominees have been awarded LUCAs, most of whom have travelled to London to be presented personally with this highest accolade by HRH Prince Michael.
ICB Global operates The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) registered in England under 03274864 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation and The Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) registered in England under 05871159 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.
The ICB syllabus is based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) within each country and the ICFM syllabus is based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

ICB Global & ICFM Global

🇬🇧🌍 ICB Global: ICB & ICFM has its representatives in 168 countries. 5200 examination centers in the world. 271 000 students and members in the world

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