Березень 2024

Великобританія, Лондон. The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, як організація, акредитована Співдружністю, ICB пишається тим, що підтримує основні цінності Співдружності – розвиток, демократію та мир. Westminster Abbey, відвідування команди головного офісу в Лондоні ICB, із чудового богослужіння до Дня Співдружності у Вестмінстерському абатстві, на якому були присутні Ami Copeland, Peter Stewart, Alina Siatkovskia, Julius Tafura and Kirsty St John.
Welcome to London at Global week annual Bookkeeping Summit & 15th Luca Awards, VIP business meeting in Parliament UK, will be held from November 10 to 16, 2024 with ICB Global & ICFM Global and partners.
We think globally, we act locally. We do our business where we are – together.

Join us ❗️Welcome to events with International Network ICB Global and ICFM Global which is present in 168 countries of the world 🌍🇬🇧 Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Partners


Do it your way ❗️


The Institute of Certified Financial Managers UK Ukraine team and Members of the Board of Trustees


Helen Khorikova ,
Member ICB International Council, Companion ICB Global, Coordinator and CEO ICFM UK in Ukraine & ICB


British Business Education
Qualification Education UK Diploma Certificate Finance Management Business Ukraine London Economic Financier Manager

♥️ KEEP CALM and HIRE a ICB & ICFM & All partners ICB Global.

ICB Global is registered in England under 05722167 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.
Founding Royal Patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO CD KStJ
ICB Global has registered in excess of 271,000 students and members across 168 countries. It hosts the annual Bookkeepers Summit which takes place each year in London. It also holds the prestigious annual LUCA Awards which recognises excellence in bookkeeping, accounting, audit and internal audit. Several ICFM Ukraine nominees have been awarded LUCAs, most of whom have travelled to London to be presented personally with this highest accolade by HRH Prince Michael.
ICB Global operates The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) registered in England under 03274864 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation and The Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) registered in England under 05871159 as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.
The ICB syllabus is based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) within each country and the ICFM syllabus is based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

ICB Global & ICFM Global

🇬🇧🌍 ICB Global: ICB & ICFM has its representatives in 168 countries. 5200 examination centers in the world. 271 000 students and members in the world

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