July 16, 2020

Ukraine, Kyiv, ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & BCP & ICB Global conducts the Marathon – online with congratulations on the Day of the Accountant and Auditor of Ukraine. During the day on July 16, 2020 from 10:00 to 24:00 on social networks, you are greeted by national, international organizations and partners from many countries around the world.

Sincere congratulations to all colleagues and partners on the professional holiday of the Day of Accountant and Auditor of Ukraine❗️

You are truly true experts and professionals, we wish: Peace, happiness, harmony, prosperity and prosperity to your businesses and families, comfort and support of family and friends, fulfillment of dreams, always open drawing numbers, increasing your wealth and financial satisfaction❗️ Thank you for your work and we respect and appreciate you very much.

♥️ Sincerely ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & Business Center Professional and All partners ICB Global 🇬🇧🌎

ICB & ICFM UK Ukraine Helen Khorikova, Методологічний центр ICFM & ICB Ruslana Kuzina, Людмила Борісенко ПрАТ «Укргідроенерго»
Institute of Certified Bookkeepers 🌎 ICFM & ICB United Kingdom

Oksana Sakhnatskaya, Head of Staff National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. Ukraine

Matthew Addison, ICB Australia

Training Link, Mike Tucker. Great Britain

Santiago de Cuba Maikol Roque M. L. A Music Lovers Alliance (Black & White)

Chrissie Aplin, Caplin Bookkeeping. Great Britain

Nuriyya Novruzova, Azərbaycanın Professional Maliyyə Menecerləri Assosiasiyası APFM & ICFM / ICB Azerbaijan

Georgeta Covaliov-Rusu, Asociaţia Contabililor şi Auditorilor Profesionişti din Republica Moldova

Tim Woodhouse. Great Britain

Сollective PJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” Ukraine

Elena Nusinova, SMART HOLDING PJSC, Chief of corporate rights devision. Ukraine

Business Ethics & Etiquette School Школа ділової етики та етикету, Ольга Наконечна

Leader Strategic Focus – Group ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB Юрій Наврузов

Zhanar Ozhanova Kerivnik POB Alliance of Professional Accountants/Kazakhstan

Construction Machinery and Compressors International, Ukraine

Tata Beridze, Accountants union / ბუღალტერთა კავშირი Georgia

Деніс Позов директор Uteka Ukraine, ВБК “Баланс

Anastasia Ilchenko, солістка групи HeckHarts/Ukraine
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