ICFM United Kingdom
The Institute of Certified Financial Managers ICFM UK.
The Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM UK) was established on initiative of two institutions: the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ICB UK), the world’s largest organisation of this type, with more than 200 thousand students and members worldwide, and the Institute of Commerce, one of the oldest professional institutions, which in 2007 celebrated its 100th anniversary.
ICFM & ICB is a leading international professional community, represented and working through its representatives in 168 countries worldwide. It has in excess of 271000 students and members and 5200 examination centers. The main office of ICFM & ICB is in London.
The ICB was founded in 1996 with the approval of the Department of Trade and Industry (now called the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) and the British Register of Enterprise. In 2007, the Governing Board of the Institute, extended its program line and established the Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM, United Kingdom).
“The future belongs to the profession of financier, control over finances and management”
“Keep calm and take finances under control and management!” This is what the founders of ” The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB, UK), and The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Global (ICB Global, UK) believe.
The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Global (ICB Global has been registered in England (No 05722167) and it is a Not For Profit organization (NFT).
ICB Global — is the Governing Council of The Institute of Certified Financial Managers, ICFM UK) and The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, ICB UK) which acts in the frames of Standards and ICB Professional Conduct Regulations approved by the Governing Council of ICB Global.
ICFM & ICB is a leading international professional community, represented and working through its representatives in countries that conduct and offer training on financial management, accounting, internal audit, IFRS and IAS, international and management accounting, administrative management for building strategic goals and objectives of enterprises. The Institute helps the management to switch to a modern, new approach to solving issues and problems, to achieve an effective integrated management of functional processes, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise, using advanced European technologies, applying international experience and Generally Accepted Standards for business education.
The ICFM & ICB offers a range of qualifications that meet the current needs of the business environment for public and Not For Profit organisations. Its syllabus meets interests of students with different levels of knowledge and experience.
You and TheInstitute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM UK).
The Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) registered in England № 05871159)and is Not For Profit (NFP) Organisation that provides qualifications at Levels 5-9 of the National Qualification Frameworks of UK. Its syllabus is based on the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It applies and uses IFAC & IAESB standard. Full ICFM program counts with more than 500 hours which correspond to professional retraining programs according to international education standards (No. 7).
Goals and objectives of ICFM: we actively support specialists in the financial sector, international and accounting management, administrative management. We help to move towards a modern approach to solving issues and problems, an effective integrated management of functional processes, taking into account the goals and objectives of an enterprise.
Your Career from a Specialist to a Top – manager.
New career development opportunities from a Specialist to a Manager.
Professional financial managers and directors, project managers, top management play a key role in achieving the success and competitiveness of a company in both- domestic and global markets. The Institute contributes to the recognition of the profession and achievements, supports professional growth and development throughout the career.
International certification and training program of the ICFM, UK offers certification and membership to professionals in administrative management, finance and accounting, IFRS and IAS, Internal Audit, accounting and management accounting, strategic management and enterprise management, legal aspects. We use advanced European technology, apply international experience and Generally Accepted Standards for business education.
An international diploma is real today! We invite you to join our professional community, the global Institute of Bookkeepers, Financial Management and Management.
The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ICB UK & The Institute of Certified Financial Managers ICFM UK.
ICFM & ICB: Officially recognized by the HM Treasury (HMT-UK), HM Revenue & Customs (HMRS-UK), Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS). ICB has been appointed Registered Supervisory Authority.
ICFM & ICB Global has an official Coat of Arms issued by the Royal College of Arms. Member of the Initiative lobbying group in the Parliament of Great Britain Genesis
Member of the Board on professional knowledge in the financial sector
Member of the International Accounting Educational Standards Board (IAESB). Advisor to the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group for Small and Medium Business
European Federation of Bookkeepers /(EFoB). International Federation of Bookkeepers (IFoB). Australian Tax Board (ATB). ICB Australia is a member of the Board. New Zealand Revenue (NZIR). ICB New Zealand sits on the Tax Board. Officially recognised by the Government of the Philippines according to the President’s Decree. Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW).
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants CIMA. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ACCA – ICB awarded exemptions at level 4/5.
The Commonwealth of Nations. ICB is an Accredited Organisation, recognized in all 53 countries of the Commonwealth.
ICB Global: ICB & ICFM is responsible for the annual Bookkeepers summit, which takes place every year in London. Inspire Tour which is held in more than fifty cities around the world and the global LUCA Awards, a recognition of organisations and employers for their professional achievements in bookkeeping, accounting, IFRS, audit and internal audit.
The LUCA Awards takes place annually in The United Kingdom, London, with the participation of members of The Royal family, representatives of business, UK and world’s high society and mission Ambassadors of many participating countries.
ICB & ICFM is officially recognised in most economically developed countries of Europe and Eastern Europe, it has a number of Memorandums with representatives of the regulatory authorities worldwide, where they officially have their representatives.
Your opportunities
- Participate in annual events,global events and meetings: SUMMIT, LUCA AWARDS, CONFERENCE, Treasury and Parliament of England UK, IFAC & IASB, IAESB, OPBAS, HMT- UK, HMRS — UK, London Stock Exchange, ICAEW, FATF, Bank of England, European Federation of Bookkeepers (EFoB), International Federation of Bookkeepers (IFoB), Inspire Tour, exibitions and other business meetings.
- Get World awards in nominations Annual LUCA Awards: «The best Employer of the Year», «The best Student of the Year», «The best Financial manager of the Year», «The best Learning Center of the Year», «The Best Tutor of the Year» and others.
- “Luca Pacioli” is the prestigious recognition, the “Oscar” in the accounting and financial world, when companies/organisations and their best representatives.
ICB Global: The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and The Institute of Certified Financial Managers. Head Office of ICFM&ICB in London
ICB Global: ICB & ICFM has its #representatives in 168 countries. 5200 examination centers in the world. 271 000 students and members in the world.
You can check the legitimacy of the issued ICFM document by entering your last name. In the absence of your record in our database, immediately contact the representative of ICFM
Training schedule
Семінар: Гендерна рівність та дотримання принципів недискримінації в діяльності Товариства»
4100 грн.
Семінар «Сучасні технології в європейської бізнес – освіті»
4100 грн.
Семінар «Фінансова та нефінансова інформація для оцінювання фінансового стану та перспектив розвитку Товариства»
4100 грн.
Application for training