December 2019

Ukraine, Kiev, November 28, 2019, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine held the Awards Ceremony of the annual All-Ukrainian Competition “Best Accountant of Ukraine”. The competition was conducted in three stages, in two nominations: for accountants of budgetary institutions and commercial enterprises. The first and second stages were held as online testing on the website.


The third stage included 37 competitors. Business accountants had to write a paper project on the topic: “What indicators should be included in the financial section of the Management Report to be valuable to investors, creditors, society and the state and allow businesses to successfully attract financing (loans and / or investments)?” And the accountants of budgetary institutions were asked to reveal the topic: “Crisis management of the budgetary institution: forms, methods and procedures aimed at socio-economic recovery of financial and economic activity of a particular industry.” Why were chosen these aspects? The management reporting system is a part of the management control system that provides business information. Decision-makers today need real-time access to accurate data, and they need it at once. Traditional business intelligence solutions only give you an idea of ​​what happens. However, nowadays, companies need a far-sighted approach and a glimpse into the future: “what is going to happen” and “what do we need to do.” It is possible to do providing analysis which includes forecasts and suggestions and, of course, simulates situations. More and more companies are trying to use these huge amounts of data either to reduce operating costs or to increase revenue, or both. Using data is no longer just a competitive advantage for businesses, it is essential for the survival. According to the results of the creative works of the third stage, TOP-10 accountants of Ukraine – 2019, were included into the list of the Senior League of Accountants-Managers.

Congratulations to the winners: Andriyenko Valentina Oleksiivna; Demisheva Tamara Vyacheslavovna; Diakova Nadezhda Igorevna; Levchenko Valentina Yevgenivna; Mylenka Zoya Volodymirivna; Pinchuk Olga Viktorivna; Pokas Yulia Anatoliivna; Pugach Victoria Ivanivna; Rud Kateryna Ivanovna; Sidoruk Vita Viktorivna. According to the results of the tests and SMS-voting, the special nomination “Pride of the Profession” was selected by Koroyeva Iryna Mykolaivna. All winners were awarded diplomas, appreciations from the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and gifts from partners: NGO “Business Automation Union” and the Institute of Certified Financial Managers UK in Ukraine (ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB).

We invite everyone to participate in the Contest next year and to prove your professionalism!

We congratulate and thank the participants of the Contest, Organisers and Partners

Organisers: All-Ukrainian Accounting Club “Balance” and partners: Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, “Union of Business Automators” Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, group of companies “Balance”, Institute of Certified Financial Managers UK Ukraine & ICB, Association of Business Automators, UBE, UTEKA PERFORMIA and others.

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