
July 12 – July 16, 2019

Ukraine – Kyiv, July 12. ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & UBE & Balance and Partners: Accountant and Auditor’s Day of Ukraine: The Start At Height! It was a real Holiday at the Height: Incredible and ambitious event: greetings and letters for accountants, auditors and financiers, from the state bodies of Ukraine: Prime Minister of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Institution “Public Oversight Board” – Lyudmila Gaponenko’s congratulations, National Securities and Stock Market Commission for Ukraine – Oksana Sakhnatskaya’s congratulations, And many others from the organizers of the holiday: Company Group “Balance” – Apolon Pozov, ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & ICB Global – Olena Khorikova and Yuri Navruzov, UBE and Uteka – Svetlana Pozova and Irina Khrushch, Business Automation Union – Vadim Mazur, from Audit Chamber of Ukraine – Dmytro Sushko, MGI PSP Audit, TAX Linx.

16 july 2019

Ukraine, 16 July 2019, ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & BCP and all partners ICB Global Congratulations Day account & auditory Ukraine. Happiness & Development & Success and peace! Щирі вітання усім колегам та партнерам! Зі святом Дня бухгалтера та аудитора України! Мира, щастя, достатку та процвітання, затишку та підтримки родини, примноження статків та фінансового задоволення ! Ви найкращі у своїй професії!
Щиро Ваш ICFM UK Ukraine & ICB & Business Center Professional and all partners ICFM UK Ukraine

June – July 2019

This year, the Bookkeepper’s and Auditor’s Day is being celebrated at the HEIGHT!
Dear bookkeepers and auditors of Ukraine!
We invite you to take part in a grand event for the Bookkeeper’s and Auditor’s Day, HOLIDAY at the HEIGHT! This is a meeting of all who can’t be indifferent to the accounting professions, and who is ready to celebrate together their professional holiday and honor the best people in the profession!
“The Accounting Day at the Height” is a combination of a solemn evening, music, a party and aesthetic pleasure.
The event will take place on July 12, 2019, city of Kiev, at a bird’s eye view – on the 17th floor, on an incredible IQ-center terrace, with a breathtaking panorama of the city.