Message from the President of the ICFM & ICB & ICB Global

Dear Colleagues and Partners,
Today in the world there is a constantly growing number of professional organisations representing the interests of bookkeepers at all levels. Some of them have been successfully working with accounting experts for many years, while others are much younger and have been established to work in new or specialised niches of the financial sector.
The Institute of Certified Financial Managers of ICFM was established as a professional organisation for financial managers and directors, top management of companies who are engaged in small and medium business, industries, commercial and non-profit spheres. Professional financial managers and directors play the key role in companies in a wide spectrum of business and these specialists are extremely important for success!
ICFM & ICB & ICFM Global exists to promote recognition and career development through recognised qualifications, certified achievements, and ongoing professional support.
The Institute ICFM was established on initiative of two old professional institutions: the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB&ICB Global UK), the world’s largest organisation of this type, with more than 271 000 students and members worldwide, in more than 168 countries, and the Institute of Commerce, one of the oldest professional institutions, which in 2007 celebrated its centenary.
The ICFM & ICB Institutes contribute to the development of professions of financier and manager, presenting a career growth framework that fully reflects new requirements for these professionals arisen from the globalisation of financial sector, modern global business, and needs of each company to successfully compete in the global market.
Each company needs good financial management and control to achieve strategic goals and objectives of the company. Programs developed by the Institute meet the highest standards expected by professionals. The substantial interest in them has already been expressed worldwide, including the United Kingdom, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Europe and Eastern Europe, India, Asia and Africa.
The Institute was created to provide financial managers and directors with the conditions under which they could improve their skills, obtain professional qualifications and recognition of their profession. The Institute exists to support the professional growth of specialists throughout their career.
Career from Specialist to Top – manager.
ICFM has been created by professionals and for professionals.
Keep calm and take your finances under control and management!
We invite you to join our cooperation, the professional community – the global Institute of Accounting, Financial Management and Management.
With best wishes,
Garry Carter
President ICFM & ICB & ICB Global

ICB Global: The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and The Institute of Certified Financial Managers. Head Office of ICFM&ICB in London
ICB Global: ICB & ICFM has its #representatives in 168 countries. 5200 examination centers in the world. 271 000 students and members in the world.
You can check the legitimacy of the issued ICFM document by entering your last name. In the absence of your record in our database, immediately contact the representative of ICFM
Training schedule
Сертифікований професійний внутрішній аудитор/Certified Professional Internal Auditor Dip CPIA (ICFM, Великобританія)
17400 грн.
Облік витрат і собівартості продукції, (Dip CA ICFM, Великобританія)
17400 грн.
Управлінський облік і прийняття рішень, (Dip MADM ICFM, Великобританія)
17400 грн.
Application for training