April 2019

ICFM UK Ukraine, Kyiv Office, 05th of April 2019/ Second Session of the Strategic Focus-Group 2019 was successfully kept: Management “Which Does Not Burst!”. ZOO Theory: “Lady at Her Best!”. Generation of Idea and Management. Start Up with Helen Woodhouse & Yuri Navruzov. Do you want to have an effective team with a high level performance? So, be a good zookeeper: take care of your animals and never confuse their foods! Remember: lions prefer meat, monkeys prefer bananas, and not vice versa.

Session 2 Management which does not “burst!” Manager’s Phychology.

Block 1 Zoo Theory and Typology: “Lady At Her Best”.

    1. Don’t worry – keep your zoo? What are you: a zoo-keeper or a book-keeper?

1.2 Zoo keeper:  security secrets of manager. Or why dolphin does not eat bananas.

1.3 Charisma VS Professionalism.


Block 2 Generation of Idea and Management. Start Up

2.1. Team like a zoo: the secrets of effective management

2.2. Definition of your style to communicate effectively with others.

2.3. Expensive mistakes of a wrong communication

  • How to understand your management style?
  • What does “successful organisation management” mean?
  • Does a perfect leader exist?

2.4. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

  • Why are some management functions incompatible? Formulas.
  • Charisma: natural or acquired?
  • Why are conflicts inevitable?
  • What to do with “toxic people”?

We thank all the participants of the Strategic Focus – Group ICFM UK Ukraine, for your active participation and communication, for your bright presentations and cases. You are the best representatives of your profession!

On behalf of the session’s participants we thank Yuri Navruzov & Helen Woodhouse and the team of the Institute’s office!

We are waiting for you at the session of The Third Stage Strategic Focus-Group, which will be held on 24th of May, 2019.

With love and deep appreciation ICFM UK & ICB Global.

All the2nd session materials can be found on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/icfm.org.ua/ of the Institute in the group Affiliated Candidates.

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