ICB &ICFM Global invites tens of thousands of bookkeepers, financiers, economists, auditors from across the world. They are coming together to celebrate the Annual International Summit Bookkeepers & Global Bookkeeping Week dedicated to the International Accounting Day, which takes place in London, the UK.

Bookkeepers, financiers and thoseengagedin this profession from around the worldare coming together to celebratea large-scale, global event of the year, during the week in London, to discoverthe most recent innovations that they can deploy in their work and the trends of the world economic situation.

It is an appropriate occasion for the world community to share ideas with colleagues, use the experience gained to design a new global vision for bookkeepers and auditors, role of manager and chief financial officer by distinguishing three key aspects: professional position and modern professional vision in their countries to assist in solving financial issues that affect the global economy.

SUMMIT EVENTS: workshops, webinars, sessions, business meetings, participation in campaign “Give a Toast for the Profession!”. Public recognition of the bookkeeper profession is the important work and role that a bookkeeper does to support business right across the world, and high appreciation of the bookkeeper.

Key topics for discussion are the stages, important trends and prospects: marketdevelopment, global economic situation, investment environment, changes in the banking sector, financial instruments, IFRS and IAS, internal audit and risk management, company management strategy and education.

During the event, you will have a perfect opportunity to share first-class presentations, inspiring sessions and speeches made by the greatest world speakers, and to establish new business contacts at the largest global event of the year dedicated exclusively to YOU –bookkeepers!

The Annual Summit and International Accounting Week were marked by rapid success and support worldwide in previous years. Representatives of more than 120 countries of the world attend this incredible large-scale event.
Join the international community!

ICB Global: The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and The Institute of Certified Financial Managers. Head Office of ICFM&ICB in London
🇬🇧🌍 ICB Global: ICB & ICFM has its #representatives in 168 countries. 5200 examination centers in the world. 271 000 students and members in the world.

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